Understand My Dreams

Dream of may, pear

Khawab may pear dekhna

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of may in a dream

To dream of this month denotes prosperous times and pleasure for the young. Do not be discourage. To dream of the month of May, denotes prosperous times, and pleasure for the young. To dream that nature appears freakish, denotes sudden sorrow and disappointment clouding pleasure.

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Meaning of pear in a dream

A pear in a dream means lust and attraction. The pear symbolise the woman body, but not only the women body, it also symbolise the motherhood and fertility. We long and crave to return to the womb to be smothered with motherly love but as Freud said we also crave to sexualize our own parents in the Oedipus syndrome. The pear symbolise all of this and it usually indicates that the dreamer is ready for sexual affection and needs. It is a good sign for a woman do dream of a pear as she is ready and fertile. For a boy to dream of a pear means that they are in need for sexual loving.

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Similar Dreams

I had a dream about my ex friend James. He in real life decided to end our friendship back in May because he thought that we grew apart. It wasn’t my decision, and I was very hurt by the whole situation. I also never got closure from him on why he decided to end our friendship. Today I had a dream that we were at the same event. He pulled me aside and he brought me into another room. In the dream, he explained how he missed me and he apologized for ending our friendship and he also said that he wanted to be friends again. Then he hugged me, and it felt extremely realistic, like he was actually hugging me in real life. But then I woke up. Now I’m wondering if I should actually reach out to him in real life or if it’s just my brain trying to process losing my friend

What did you dream of?