Unmarried me giving mangalsutra to the lady and I informed her to pick it later in dreams meaning
Dream of married, have a crush
Dream that someone told me that the guy I have a crush on is getting married means
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of married in a dream
Getting married in a dream shows a new begging and a new path opening in your life.
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Meaning of have a crush in a dream
To see someone you have a crush on in a dream is quite a common dream. The mind dreams of what the mind is longing for. The crush in your dreams symbolise something that is important for you, something that you want. If your crush is talking to you in a dream it means that you are looking for some way to communicate it to your crush that you are in love with them. If you see your crush in a dream from a distance, walking away from you, it means that you think your crush does not like you.
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