I was camping in a forest with family and friends. The forest was next to Stonehenge. It was night. I stepped away and saw the forest, Stonehenge, a sky filled with stars and the full Moon directly above the stones. It was beautiful. May 23, 2022 > Read Dream Analysis
Camping with Father, he was secretly a homosexual and drug user. His boyfriend was very young. I was mad. July 06, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I woke up at 4:44am from a super intense dream that we were under marshal law and the military was coming in to lock down the roads to keep us in place. My daughters and I were camping in my parents RV in at a ‘glamping’ waterfront resort near my house. My newish boyfriend (of 9 months) arrived just as it was starting when we didn’t know what was happening yet and secured us in the locked RV safely. I went out to get my parents rifle (which they don’t have in real life) from a safe while my boyfriend was helping the girls hide, just as a stranger manifested inside the RV and I drew the gun to shoot an empty fire arm. I woke up so panicked it felt real and looked up that other people have been having marshal law dreams April 12, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis