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I dreamt of my living uncle driving his cream white car. I was not really sure if that was him and wanted to verify with his car numberplates. Two cars were going the opposite of his direction and that's why I was distracted. He parked his car at his usual spot at my house, that how I confirmed that the person was my uncle.
I ended up in this place next to a river, and a big mausoleum with windows. The river had reeds and the mausoleum had shadows of people inside it. They looked like they were having a good time. But then when I walked across the path to the mausoleum, and opened the door, everything was destroyed. Tables were flipped, glasses smashed, windows and plates shattered, and everyone was gone. I then closed the door, went outside, looked through the window, and again I saw peoples shadows, drinking, laughing, but when I went back in, the same happened. I did this a few times, but the same things happened. I then realised the only way to get out of this dream was to go to the river. So, i went over there, but when I did, I saw the sirens (from greek myths). You can guess the rest. I then woke up.