Dream of black, pink, glass, washing, whisky, hands, belt
I was wearing a pink dress with a black belt and was preparing to entertain male guest. i began by washing a males hands with a damp cloth. afterwards i filled a glass full of whisky and drank it all.
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of black in a dream
Black signifies isolation and transition period. It shows up conflicts and friction with relations and friends. Black is the unconscious mind, or the death of the old, like the death of an idea or end of a job, etc. Black is the unconscious mind, or the death of the old, like the death of an idea or end of a job, etc.
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Meaning of pink in a dream
Associated with tenderness and love. You can expect interesting developments in relations with opposite sex. Tenderness, love, romance. Tenderness, love, romance.
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Meaning of glass in a dream
To dream that you are looking through glass, denotes that bitter disappointments will cloud your brightest hopes. To see your image in a mirror, foretells unfaithfulness and neglect in marriage, and fruitless speculations. To see another face with your own in a mirror indicates that you are leading a double life. You will deceive your friends. To break a mirror, portends an early and accidental death. To break glass dishes, or windows, foretells the unfavorable termination to enterprises. To receive cut glass, denotes that you will be admired for your brilliancy and talent. To make presents of cut glass ornaments, signifies that you will fail in your undertakings. For a woman to see her lover in a mirror, denotes that she will have cause to institute a breach of promise suit. For a married woman to see her husband in a mirror, is a warning that she will have cause to feel anxiety for her happiness and honor. To look clearly through a glass window, you will have employment, but will have to work subordinately. If the glass is clouded, you will be unfortunately situated. If a woman sees men, other than husband or lover, in a looking glass, she will be discovered in some indiscreet affair which will be humiliating to her and a source of worry to her relations. For a man to dream of seeing strange women in a mirror, he will ruin his health and business by foolish attachments.
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Meaning of washing in a dream
To dream that you are washing yourself, signifies that you pride yourself on the numberless liaisons you maintain. See Wash Bowl or Bathing
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Meaning of whisky in a dream
To dream of whisky in bottles, denotes that you will be careful of your interests, protecting them with energy and watchfulness, thereby adding to their proportion. To drink it alone, foretells that you will sacrifice your friends to your selfishness. To destroy whisky, you will lose your friends by your ungenerous conduct. Whisky is not fraught with much good. Disappointment in some form will likely appear. To see or drink it, is to strive and reach a desired object after many disappointments. If you only see it, you will never obtain the result hoped and worked for.
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Meaning of hands in a dream
dreaming on hands holding you means the dream is real and will fulfill itself. dreaming on hands with coins means you have done something wrong and you want to be good again.
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Meaning of belt in a dream
Holding up. Securing. Linking. Approach of a love affair. Holding up. Securing. Linking. Approach of a love affair. To dream that you have a new style belt, denotes you are soon to meet and make engagements with a stranger, which will demoralize your prosperity. If it is out of date, you will be meritedly censured for rudeness.
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