Dream of drunk, running, aunt, cash, visit
My aunt came to visit and cash her check and have a few drinks, i became frustrated as I was unable to locate her and later found her half drunk and running around
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of drunk in a dream
Total insensibility. Denial. Fear of loosing control. Wish to lose control This is an unfavorable dream if you are drunk on heavy liquors, indicating profligacy and loss of employment. You will be disgraced by stooping to forgery or theft. If drunk on wine, you will be fortunate in trade and love-making, and will scale exalted heights in literary pursuits. This dream is always the bearer of aesthetic experiences. To see others in a drunken condition, foretells for you, and probably others, unhappy states. Drunkenness in all forms is unreliable as a good dream. All classes are warned by this dream to shift their thoughts into more healthful channels.
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Meaning of running in a dream
No restraint. Freedom. Distance. There is something that you want to escape from. To dream of running in company with others, is a sign that you will participate in some festivity, and you will find that your affairs are growing towards fortune. If you stumble or fall, you will lose property and reputation. Running alone, indicates that you will outstrip your friends in the race for wealth, and you will occupy a higher place in social life. If you run from danger, you will be threatened with losses, and you will despair of adjusting matters agreeably. To see others thus running, you will be oppressed by the threatened downfall of friends. To see stock running, warns you to be careful in making new trades or undertaking new tasks.
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Meaning of aunt in a dream
For a young woman to dream of seeing her aunt, denotes she will receive sharp censure for some action, which will cause her much distress. If this relative appears smiling and happy, slight difference will soon give way to pleasure.
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Meaning of cash in a dream
To dream that you have plenty of cash, but that it has been borrowed, portends that you will be looked upon as a worthy man, but that those who come in close contact with you will find that you are mercenary and unfeeling. For a young woman to dream that she is spending borrowed money, foretells that she will be found out in her practice of deceit, and through this lose a prized friend. See Money.
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Meaning of visit in a dream
If you visit in your dreams, you will shortly have some pleasant occasion in your life. If your visit is unpleasant, your enjoyment will be marred by the action of malicious persons. For a friend to visit you, denotes that news of a favorable nature will soon reach you. If the friend appears sad and travel-worn, there will be a note of displeasure growing out of the visit, or other slight disappointments may follow. If she is dressed in black or white and looks pale or ghastly, serious illness or accidents are predicted.
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