Understand My Dreams

Dream of sticks, brother, lips, time, land, mine, plank

My brother tried to talk to me about a plot of land. I could not understand his words because his lips did not move. Later he spoke in a different language. The atmosphere was full of confrontation. I walked toward him and he was scared. He backed off as I approached him. We fought with sticks and each time I disarmed him with mine. He got a plank and I got that off him too. He then spoke clearly telling me "You had cool time."

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of sticks in a dream

To dream of sticks, is an unlucky omen.

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Meaning of brother in a dream

Fellowship. Expect quarrels. Masculine aspect of self. Fellowship. Expect quarrels. Masculine aspect of self.

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Meaning of lips in a dream

Message. Communication. You have many advantages and will have mastery over many matters. To dream of thick, unsightly lips, signifies disagreeable encounters, hasty decision, and ill temper in the marriage relation. Full, sweet, cherry lips, indicates harmony and affluence. To a lover, it augurs reciprocation in love, and fidelity. Thin lips, signifies mastery of the most intricate subjects. Sore, or swollen lips, denotes privations and unhealthful desires.

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Meaning of time in a dream

Irreversible. Continuity. Arrival or departure of feelings. Organizing your inner self.

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Meaning of land in a dream

To dream of land, when it appears fertile, omens good; but if sterile and rocky, failure and dispondency is prognosticated. To see land from the ocean, denotes that vast avenues of prosperity and happiness will disclose themselves to you.

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Meaning of mine in a dream

To dream of being in a mine, denotes failure in affairs. To own a mine, denotes future wealth. See Coal Mine.

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Meaning of plank in a dream

For a young woman to dream that she is walking across muddy water on a rotten plank, denotes that she will feel keenly the indifference shown her by one she loves, or other troubles may arise; or her defence of honor may be in danger of collapse. Walking a good, sound plank, is a good omen, but a person will have to be unusually careful in conduct after such a dream.

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Similar Dreams

I saw my cousin walking up a hill among various kids in uniform, he starts talking to some high schoolers and moves towards a school van that is full of guys( it is similar to one I've seen in my hometown when i was younger). As I leave, i fidget with a ring that was a gift from a friend and it still hurts me at the back. I see two guys in school uniform who were my brothers friends and i don't look at them but definitely saw them. Then suddenly see a couple near a temple like structure. The grooms ring doesn't fit so he tries to fidget with it too and the bride runs towards a jewellery shop and asks for a ring for herself. I am tempted and I also ask for a ring but trip on the doorway. Things probably fell out of my bag. I know the shopkeeper. He smiles and tells me there are no rings only one for the bride. As he picks up things from a box on the floor, I see my gold bangle and say that's mine. But he tells me its from the shop. I tell him of my receipt and call up a college friend (who apparently stays with me) but she has left the house and is going to class with a guy (someone we both hated in college). Then I remember that the gold bangle was bought nearby and the shopkeeper has the receipt too. It is my hometown but different. Then i look at my contacts and think if i should call up my mother

What did you dream of?