Dream of cash, counting
I had 20 000 cash on my hads and counting it
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of cash in a dream
To dream that you have plenty of cash, but that it has been borrowed, portends that you will be looked upon as a worthy man, but that those who come in close contact with you will find that you are mercenary and unfeeling. For a young woman to dream that she is spending borrowed money, foretells that she will be found out in her practice of deceit, and through this lose a prized friend. See Money.
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Meaning of counting in a dream
To dream of counting your children, and they are merry and sweet-looking, denotes that you will have no trouble in controlling them, and they will attain honorable places. To dream of counting money, you will be lucky and always able to pay your debts; but to count out money to another person, you will meet with loss of some kind. Such will be the case, also, in counting other things. If for yourself, good; if for others, usually bad luck will attend you.
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