Dream of cancer, open, surgery, skull, hands, brain, head
I dreamt that I had brain cancer and surgeons opened up my head to have a look at my brain, but they didn't close up my skull after the surgery; so I had to walk around with my hands on my head to stop my skull from flapping open.
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of cancer in a dream
Out of control. Preservation. To have one successfully treated in a dream, denotes a sudden rise from obscure poverty to wealthy surroundings. To dream of a cancer, denotes illness of some one near you, and quarrels with those you love. Depressions may follow to the man of affairs after this dream. To dream of a cancer, foretells sorrow in its ugliest phase. Love will resolve itself into cold formality, and business will be worrying and profitless.
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Meaning of open in a dream
Entrance and exit. Exposed. Opportunity. Potential. Ready to make a choice.
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Meaning of skull in a dream
To dream of skulls grinning at you, is a sign of domestic quarrels and jars. Business will feel a shrinkage if you handle them. To see a friend's skull, denotes that you will receive injury from a friend because of your being preferred to him. To see your own skull, denotes that you will be the servant of remorse.
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Meaning of hands in a dream
dreaming on hands holding you means the dream is real and will fulfill itself. dreaming on hands with coins means you have done something wrong and you want to be good again.
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Meaning of brain in a dream
Intellect. Mind and reason. Great knowledge will bring good result in affairs. To see your own brain in a dream, denotes uncongenial surroundings will irritate and dwarf you into an unpleasant companion. To see the brains of animals, foretells that you will suffer mental trouble. If you eat them, you will gain knowledge, and profit unexpectedly.
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Meaning of head in a dream
Intellect. Understanding. It denotes threatened misery and loss that will be avoided by wise action. To see a person's head in your dream, and it is well-shaped and prominent, you will meet persons of power and vast influence who will lend you aid in enterprises of importance. If you dream of your own head, you are threatened with nervous or brain trouble. To see a head severed from its trunk, and bloody, you will meet sickening disappointments, and the overthrow of your dearest hopes and anticipations. To see yourself with two or more heads, foretells phenomenal and rapid rise in life, but the probabilities are that the rise will not be stable. To dream that your head aches, denotes that you will be oppressed with worry. To dream of a swollen head, you will have more good than bad in your life. To dream of a child's head, there will be much pleasure ill store for you and signal financial success. To dream of the head of a beast, denotes that the nature of your desires will run on a low plane, and only material pleasures will concern you. To wash your head, you will be sought after by prominent people for your judgment and good counsel.
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