Dream of soldiers, giraffe
A dream about protecting a giraffe being attacked by soldiers
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of soldiers in a dream
To see soldiers marching in your dreams, foretells for you a period of flagrant excesses, but at the same time you will be promoted to elevations above rivals. To see wounded soldiers, is a sign of the misfortune of others causing you serious complications in your affairs. Your sympathy will outstrip your judgment. To dream that you are a worthy soldier, you will have literal fulfilment of ideals. Women are in danger of disrepute if they find themselves dreaming of soldiers.
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Meaning of giraffe in a dream
Dreaming of a Giraffe and seeing a Giraffe in a dreams have a very special meaning. The Giraffe is a very tall animal that stands out in it's field (pun intended) and it comes to indicate to you in your dream that there is something very obvious in your life that you can not see. Maybe someone is in love with you and try to contact you and you don't notice it or the other way around - you fail to notice the obvious.
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