Dream of gold, pitcher
Gold pitcher
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of gold in a dream
Splendor. Treasure. Ultimate value .Approaching money. High honors. If you handle gold in your dream, you will be unusually successful in all enterprises. For a woman to dream that she receives presents of gold, either money or ornaments, she will marry a wealthy but mercenary man. To find gold, indicates that your superior abilities will place you easily ahead in the race for honors and wealth. If you lose gold, you will miss the grandest opportunity of your life through negligence. To dream of finding a gold vein, denotes that some uneasy honor will be thrust upon you. If you dream that you contemplate working a gold mine, you will endeavor to usurp the rights of others, and should beware of domestic scandals.
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Meaning of pitcher in a dream
To dream of a pitcher, denotes that you will be of a generous and congenial disposition. Success will attend your efforts. A broken pitcher, denotes loss of friends.
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