Understand My Dreams

Dream of


Dream Interpretation Analysis

Similar Dreams

I was an archangel and battling some fallen angels, one of the fallen angels was an archangel like myself in my dream. I remember the battle took place in an ancient Egyptian city, there were many angels battling alongside me. At one point, I was weak an another archangel by the name of Gabriela landed me her strength - she had darker hair, white skin and light eyes, and it was in full combat armor. The bad archangel, started meditating calling OHM to regain power. I started lifting my hands up and gathering power as well from other angels that were my companions and said it out loud the word SHEM. I received power and my strength increased so did my speed. I, by myself, defeated all the fallen angels by open palm hand technique martial style. I went to the fallen archangel and broke all of his joints, to the point he could only drag himself on the ground and made a sample of him, saying, "this is the destiny for the disobedient.

What did you dream of?