Understand My Dreams

Dream of tank, explosion, dying

Oxygen tank explosion and dying

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of tank in a dream

To dream of a tank, foretells you will be prosperous and satisfied beyond your expectations. To see a leaking tank, denotes loss in your affairs.

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Meaning of explosion in a dream

Sudden, violent change. Ready to burst forth. Unjustly accused. To dream of explosions, portends that disapproving actions of those connected with you will cause you transient displeasure and loss, and that business will also displease you. To think your face, or the face of others, is blackened or mutilated, signifies you will be accused of indiscretion which will be unjust, though circumstances may convict you. To see the air filled with smoke and de'bris, denotes unusual dissatisfaction in business circles and much social antagonism. To think you are enveloped in the flames, or are up in the air where you have been blown by an explosion, foretells that unworthy friends will infringe on your rights and will abuse your confidence. Young women should be careful of associates of the opposite sex after a dream of this character.

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Meaning of dying in a dream

To dream of dying, foretells that you are threatened with evil from a source that has contributed to your former advancement and enjoyment. To see others dying, forebodes general ill luck to you and to your friends. To dream that you are going to die, denotes that unfortunate inattention to your affairs will depreciate their value. Illness threatens to damage you also. To see animals in the throes of death, denotes escape from evil influences if the animal be wild or savage. It is an unlucky dream to see domestic animals dying or in agony. [As these events of good or ill approach you they naturally assume these forms of agonizing death, to impress you more fully with the joyfulness or the gravity of the situation you are about to enter on awakening to material responsibilities, to aid you in the mastery of self which is essential to meeting all conditions with calmness and determination.] See Death

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What did you dream of?