Me and 2 other girls were good and we had to travel back home but we didnt know it was a bad night so on the way home we had to run and hide in this persons house and the person was a good person and apparently other ppl decided to hide there too and then for some reason someone opened the window (i think to check to see if everything was alright by then) and then these black things flew in through the window and we struggled to close the window but it was too late cuz some were already in and it was rly scary and i remember they were asking us questions and i think was like rly afraid of getting raped or something and then i remembered that i had another dream like this one they put 2 chairs outside the building and only the two that pronounced their faith in Christ were saved they told me to set the table for 14 but for some reason i couldnt count and set it for 8 and then added 4 more so it ended up being for 12 and then i woke up but i remember in the other dream there were less than 14 they made us all sit down and then 2 of us were made to go outside (to eat alone outside during dinner) i wasnt present while the demons ate dinner with the other ppl but i know that later on i was horrified because the demons ate all the people and it was rly gruesome and stuff and the only reason me and the other person were saved was because we believed in Christ so they couldnt touch us May 03, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I am 83 years old two questions 1. why do I always see a beautiful young girl in my dreams? 2. what does it mean to see Michael the arch angel waiting for me in a unfamiliar place? March 11, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis