Dream of yellow, sulphur
I had a dream about sulphur yellow
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of yellow in a dream
This color is a sign of confidence in yourself and your abilities but will encounter opposition. Enthusiasm, valor, energy or cowardice. Yellow animals or bugs can be poisonous, making yellow sometimes a warning. Yellow can also represent air, thought, the sun, or royalty. Enthusiasm, valor, energy or cowardice. Yellow animals or bugs can be poisonous, making yellow sometimes a warning. Yellow can also represent air, thought, the sun, or royalty.
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Meaning of sulphur in a dream
To dream of sulphur, warns you to use much discretion in your dealings, as you are threatened with foul play. To see sulphur burning, is ominous of great care attendant upon your wealth. To eat sulphur, indicates good health and consequent pleasure.
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