Understand My Dreams

Dream of planet, dwarf, greek

I had a dream about the dwarf planet is named after eris is the greek goddess

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of planet in a dream

To dream of a planet, foretells an uncomfortable journey and depressing work.

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Meaning of dwarf in a dream

This is a very favorable dream. If the dwarf is well formed and pleasing in appearance, it omens you will never be dwarfed in mind or stature. Health and good constitution will admit of your engaging in many profitable pursuits both of mind and body. To see your friends dwarfed, denotes their health, and you will have many pleasures through them. Ugly and hideous dwarfs, always forebodes distressing states.

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Meaning of greek in a dream

To dream of reading Greek, denotes that your ideas will be discussed and finally accepted and put in practical use. To fail to read it, denotes that technical difficulties are in your way.

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Similar Dreams

In space, Blue Planet, everything was Royal Blue, I see what is supposed to be me, land onto the planet, sort of on a hill, this is a blue cacoon, type of object, its huge. So anyway, this slides down the hill due to nothing else but gravity and erosion, I think to myself, (in the dream) how long have I been here, stuck up on that hill. Suddenly it cracks open, a mist shoots out, there is baby blue color light, in the inside. This entity that emerges is me, but this 'ME' is the exact same color as everything else. What makes this a beautiful thing is the moon of this blue planet, orbits at a slow pace and the way the light of it shines, you begin to see the inhabitants of this planet. in the cocoon, my skin is smooth in some places but then it's also of the same texture as the planet itself. All the inhabitants, have this trait on the skin. So, this entity looks over at me, she has these jewels, or crystals on her face, strategically placed to show she has to be of royalty or importance on this blue planet, she is absolutely blue and gorgeous, I speak the name Athena and wake up.

What did you dream of?