Understand My Dreams

Dream of cave, husband, side

My husband was in a cave and got stuck. People were on both end trying to pull him out. He never got out because one side would not let go of him.

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of cave in a dream

Inner or hidden issues.Female sexuality. The past. Change and separation from love ones.

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Meaning of husband in a dream

Partner. Commitment. To dream that your husband is leaving you, and you do not understand why, there will be bitterness between you, but an unexpected reconciliation will ensue. If he mistreats and upbraids you for unfaithfulness, you will hold his regard and confidence, but other worries will ensue and you are warned to be more discreet in receiving attention from men. If you see him dead, disappointment and sorrow will envelop you. To see him pale and careworn, sickness will tax you heavily, as some of the family will linger in bed for a time. To see him gay and handsome, your home will be filled with happiness and bright prospects will be yours. If he is sick, you will be mistreated by him and he will be unfaithful. To dream that he is in love with another woman, he will soon tire of his present surroundings and seek pleasure elsewhere. To be in love with another woman's husband in your dreams, denotes that you are not happily married, or that you are not happy unmarried, but the chances for happiness are doubtful. For an unmarried woman to dream that she has a husband, denotes that she is wanting in the graces which men most admire. To see your husband depart from you, and as he recedes from you he grows larger, inharmonious surroundings will prevent immediate congeniality. If disagreeable conclusions are avoided, harmony will be reinstated. For a woman to dream she sees her husband in a compromising position with an unsuspected party, denotes she will have trouble through the indiscretion of friends. If she dreams that he is killed while with another woman, and a scandal ensues, she will be in danger of separating from her husband or losing property. Unfavorable conditions follow this dream, though the evil is often exaggerated.

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Meaning of side in a dream

To dream of seeing only the side of any object, denotes that some person is going to treat your honest proposals with indifference. To dream that your side pains you, there will be vexations in your affairs that will gall your endurance. To dream that you have a fleshy, healthy side, you will be successful in courtship and business.

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Similar Dreams

I was driving a car on a freeway around a city. there were no signs for where i was going, so i tried to stay on until i saw the right exit. unexpectedly the main road became one way and i was going against the flow of cars. I was trying to get to the next crossroad to get off but a truck hit my rear and sent me spinning onto the roadside. there was a cop at the crossroad who came to me and i said "yes i know i was driving in the wrong direction and trying to fix it" but the cop came after me for causing the accident and didn't care about the road being one way. i was at the police station reviewing aerial video of the crash and it showed the truck was the problem and had changed lanes too close to me so i was free to go. then i woke up.

What did you dream of?