Understand My Dreams

Dream of


Dream Interpretation Analysis

Similar Dreams

In my dream I was running a race to get to a boat. Only a select amount of people were allowed onboard. My friend and I were faced with many obstacles. My friend kept running away from me and I was trying to catch up to her. but she ran faster when I got close to her.we ran by a pool, I ran though bushes and though a city street that wasn't straight. we ran down the dock to the boat. the boat was very tight inside. The boat turned into a submarine. and a teacher appeared and was telling us about sea life but I didn't pay attention. I kept drawing a shipwreck in a notebook I was clinging on to. Someone was staring at me and when I finally looked up is was my ex- boyfriend . we sat there staring at each other for a really long time. then my friend came and sat in between us and I remember that made me really upset because he wasn't close to me anymore. finally she left because we were talking to much but we weren't saying a word. I felt overwhelmed with his presence there. too much emotion building up inside of me. I wanted to get closer to him. in his eyes he was searching but trying to keep a blank face while looking at me. finally he smiled softly at me and we embraced each other. I felt very warm in my stomach while I was dreaming this. like my stomach had a thousand butterflies in it. his hands were really warm but I was really cold so it felt comforting. he kissed me for a really long time. we kissed we didn't need to breath so we sat there kissing for a really long time. during this time the inside of my body was melting. then it was just us two.

What did you dream of?