Similar Dreams
Going to a strange party with lights and shiny wrapping and tissue paper on the walls, constantly worried about changing my white capri pants from capris to shorts, and not being able to change them back after they've become wrinkled. Strange drugs and hookahs, along with lavish drinks were at the party. The main event of the party was a scavenger/treasure hunt among jewelry.
I dreamt I was best friends with Jennifer Lawrence (the actress). We both put in our two weeks notice at our jobs. Unknowingly, we both recommended each other to our current bosses for our replacements. We also were trading houses. I was moving into her house & she was moving into my apartment. When I was at her house she had the date September 7th written in green on a dry erase board. When I asked her what that date was, she answered it was a year ago to the date she started her job. She hated her boss. That's when I told her I hated my boss as well. Which was also when we discovered we would be trading jobs, bosses, lives, etc. After that, I was packing up my things to move, My 15 year old niece and her friends were over smoking hookah out of a huge pipe. They were upset because someone smoked all of their tobacco. I am not a huge Jennifer Lawrence fan and I do not smoke Hookah, I cannot figure out with this dream means.