Understand My Dreams

Dream of army, secret, four, captain

I am an army captain, i'm selected to be the leader in a secret mission I can't let anyone know about the mission, I don't recognize anyone on my team bt I feel like i can trust them. there is always four people on my team. eventually during my dream someone dies.

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of army in a dream

War within the family. War within the family.

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Meaning of secret in a dream

Mysterious. Hidden. Ready to reveal yourself or to uncover the truth.

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Meaning of four in a dream

The number four may represent earthly things (as in the four corners of the earth.) The number four may also represent work ethic or physical limitations. The number four may represent earthly things (as in the four corners of the earth.) The number four may also represent work ethic or physical limitations.

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Meaning of captain in a dream

To dream of seeing a captain of any company, denotes your noblest aspirations will be realized. If a woman dreams that her lover is a captain, she will be much harassed in mind from jealousy and rivalry.

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Similar Dreams

In my dreams I was with my girlfriend and we were in a certain rural area. There we meet a certain old person who was like a man and a woman. We were given a small black plastic bag.I did not opened it but I was feeling like there were many Picture in it. When we were on a place of two, I sew six Eagles in the sky.They landed on the roof of a house. And land on the land Two turned into Angels.The other four turned into Big Lions. I fell down and asked my girlfriend to do the same. When Angels were close to us,I begged them not to hurt my girlfriend . One Angel grab the plastic bag without saying any word.Lion turned into Angels.They all flew away.

In my dreams I was with my girlfriend and we were in a certain rural area. There we meet a certain old person who was like a man and a woman. We were given a small black plastic bag.I did not opened it but I was feeling like there were many Picture in it. When we were on a place of two, I saw six Eagles in the sky.They landed on the roof of a house. And land on the land Two turned into Angels.The other four turned into Big Lions. I fell down and asked my girlfriend to do the same. When Angels were close to us,I begged them not to hurt my girlfriend . One Angel grab the plastic bag without saying any word.Lion turned into Angels as well.They all flew away.

What did you dream of?