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Nap in which I was rounding with a vet and not a doctor and I kept spitting up bubbles like a baby instead of a competent adult followed by a dream in which I had to stay afloat beneath a giant raft shaped like a huge star with enormo waves crashing at me-

What is the meaning of Nap in which I was rounding with In a dream

What does it means Nap in which I was rounding with In a dream ? - Dream meaning


Happiness. Rebirth. Trust. Happiness. Rebirth. Trust. As an object in dreams, a baby or child represents something that requires great care and attention. The meaning can change depending on whether it is your original responsibility or one that has been passed off on you by someone else. These dreams may also have wish-fulfilment content for women who are in their childbearing years. For men, the dreams may be anxiety-related, especially if you are sexually active without wanting to experience the consequences of fathering a child. As an object in dreams, a baby or child represents something that requires great care and attention. The meaning can change depending on whether it is your original responsibility or one that has been passed off on you by someone else. These dreams may also have wish-fulfilment content for women who are in their childbearing years. For men, the dreams may be anxiety-related, especially if you are sexually active without wanting to experience the consequences of fathering a child. To dream of crying babies, is indicative of ill health and disappointments. A bright, clean baby, denotes love requited, and many warm friends. Walking alone, it is a sure sign of independence and a total ignoring of smaller spirits. If a woman dream she is nursing a baby, she will be deceived by the one she trusts most. It is a bad sign to dream that you take your baby if sick with fever. You will have many sorrows of mind.

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Mastery over many things. Work on healing. Ready to be healed. This is a most auspicious dream, denoting good health and general prosperity, if you meet him socially, for you will not then spend your money for his services. If you be young and engaged to marry him, then this dream warns you of deceit. To dream of a doctor professionally, signifies discouraging illness and disagreeable differences between members of a family. To dream that a doctor makes an incision in your flesh, trying to discover blood, but failing in his efforts, denotes that you will be tormented and injured by some evil person, who may try to make you pay out money for his debts. If he finds blood, you will be the loser in some transaction.

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To dream of a giant appearing suddenly before you, denotes that there will be a great struggle between you and your opponents. If the giant succeeds in stopping your journey, you will be overcome by your enemy. If he runs from you, prosperity and good health will be yours.

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Relaxation. Easy. Unaware of imminent danger or trouble.

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To dream of a raft, denotes that you will go into new locations to engage in enterprises, which will prove successful. To dream of floating on a raft, denotes uncertain journeys. If you reach your destination, you will surely come into good fortune. If a raft breaks, or any such mishap befalls it, yourself or some friend will suffer from an accident, or sickness will bear unfortunate results.

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To dream of spitting, denotes unhappy terminations of seemingly auspicious undertakings. For some one to spit on you, foretells disagreements and alienation of affections.

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Celestial object. Self-luminous. Spiritual awakening.

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To dream of waves, is a sign that you hold some vital step in contemplation, which will evolve much knowledge if the waves are clear; but you will make a fatal error if you see them muddy or lashed by a storm. See Ocean and Sea

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