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Falling apple accordion drummers drum circle highway Dreams Interpretation Online - Understand My Dreams

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Falling apple accordion drummers drum circle highway crossing a road kittens amplifier

What is the meaning of Falling apple accordion drummers drum circle highway In a dream

What does it means Falling apple accordion drummers drum circle highway In a dream ? - Dream meaning


To dream of hearing the music of an accordion, denotes that you will engage in amusement which will win you from sadness and retrospection. You will by this means be enabled to take up your burden more cheerfully. For a young woman to dream that she is playing an accordion, portends that she will win her lover by some sad occurrence; but, notwithstanding which, the same will confer lasting happiness upon her union. If the accordion gets out of tune, she will be saddened by the illness or trouble of her lover.

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Food for thought. A symbol of temptation or of wisdom, especially feminine wisdom. The apple does not fall far from the tree. When the apple is ripe it will fall. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Look to see whether the apple is being eaten, harvested, planted, falling from a tree, the color, the type, the size, the condition etc... Food for thought. A symbol of temptation or of wisdom, especially feminine wisdom. The apple does not fall far from the tree. When the apple is ripe it will fall. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Look to see whether the apple is being eaten, harvested, planted, falling from a tree, the color, the type, the size, the condition etc...

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To dream of a circle, denotes that your affairs will deceive you in their proportions of gain. For a young woman to dream of a circle, warns her of indiscreet involvement to the exclusion of marriage.

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To hear the muffled beating of a drum, denotes that some absent friend is in distress and calls on you for aid. To see a drum, foretells amiability of character and a great aversion to quarrels and dissensions. It is an omen of prosperity to the sailor, the farmer and the tradesman alike.

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Loss of honor. Fear of failure. Loss of power and feeling out of control. Falling symbolizes descent into a problem. How you handle the fall in the dream will determine the outcome of the problem. Falling symbolizes descent into a problem. How you handle the fall in the dream will determine the outcome of the problem.

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Achievement of something. Direction. Ask yourself about your life's path. Traveling over a rough, unknown road in a dream, signifies new undertakings, which will bring little else than grief and loss of time. If the road is bordered with trees and flowers, there will be some pleasant and unexpected fortune for you. If friends accompany you, you will be successful in building an ideal home, with happy children and faithful wife, or husband. To lose the road, foretells that you will make a mistake in deciding some question of trade, and suffer loss in consequence.

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Jonas Song Well known dream interpreter
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Dani Lovekind Mistican and dream analysis expert
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Gal Faitelson Soul connection to deepmind dream understanding
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