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A snake was staring at me and Dreams Interpretation Online - Understand My Dreams

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Interpretation of your dream:

A snake was staring at me and I was offering prayer

What is the meaning of A snake was staring at me and In a dream

What does it means A snake was staring at me and In a dream ? - Dream meaning


To bring or make an offering, foretells that you will be cringing and hypocritical unless you cultivate higher views of duty.

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To dream of saying prayers, or seeing others doing so, foretells you will be threatened with failure, which will take strenuous efforts to avert.

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A snake ready to strike means treachery from one you least expected; killing it means victory over enemies. Snakes in a dream have been described as the Kundalini, or creative force. Think about what you are doing in the dream with the snake, and think of it as your relationship with your creativity. If that interpretation doesn't resonate with you, think about what snakes represent to you. Based on what you think of a snake, think about how that aspect of yourself has presented itself in your recent awake life. Snakes in a dream have been described as the Kundalini, or creative force. Think about what you are doing in the dream with the snake, and think of it as your relationship with your creativity. If that interpretation doesn't resonate with you, think about what snakes represent to you. Based on what you think of a snake, think about how that aspect of yourself has presented itself in your recent awake life.

> Find more dreams containing 'snake'

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Jonas Song Well known dream interpreter
Jonas Song
Dani Lovekind Mistican and dream analysis expert
Dani Lovekind
Gal Faitelson Soul connection to deepmind dream understanding
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