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What is the meaning in a dream of stilts

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What is the meaning of stilts In a dream, What does it means stilts In a dream?


To dream of walking on stilts, denotes that your fortune is in an insecure condition. To fall from them, or feel them break beneath you, you will be precipitated into embarrassments by trusting your affairs to the care of others.

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Samples of dreams of stilts

He carries me from the school to

He carries me from the school to a museum. He balances me I'm on tall stilts in the sky by the top of the city buildings while he runs from the ground. Our friends wave hello.

Other meaning of dreams of stilts


To dream of walking on stilts, denotes that your fortune is in an insecure condition. To fall from them, or feel them break beneath you, you will be precipitated into embarrassments by trusting your affairs to the care of others.

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