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What is the meaning in a dream of spy

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What is the meaning of spy In a dream, What does it means spy In a dream?


To dream that spies are harassing you, denotes dangerous quarrels and uneasiness. To dream that you are a spy, denotes that you will make unfortunate ventures.

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Samples of dreams of spy

I can't explain it very well but

I can't explain it very well but I'm shaking because of it. the dream is not important but the symphony that was sung in it, I don't remember how it went but it is haunting me, it was tragic, evil and didn't want me dead but wanted me to go insane. it was sung by over 1000 men in a dark room. I have never been afraid of dreams; I would always fight them. this one though, this one was different. if I explain the dream, I hope this can help Aswell. i was a spy for a federation (the name was hard to remember but hard to forget, python empire.) it was a logo of a snake with its head facing forward and down. it was worshiped like a god. I was assigned to land in one of their docking bays, this is where I heard the symphony

I was watching PornHub on Netflix and

I was watching PornHub on Netflix and being really nice for some reason, and my dad was downstairs trying to pay some sort of bill when some fruits in latex suits that were spys came down from the chimney and started screaming ay fundy dundy ay fundy dundy over and over again. I believe it was an apple, an orange, and a banana.

Other meaning of dreams of spy


To dream that spies are harassing you, denotes dangerous quarrels and uneasiness. To dream that you are a spy, denotes that you will make unfortunate ventures.

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To dream that you are looking through a spy-glass, denotes that changes will soon occur to your disadvantage. To see a broken or imperfect one, foretells unhappy dissensions and loss of friends.

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To dream that you spy upon others through a keyhole, you will damage some person by disclosing confidence. If you catch others peeping through a keyhole, you will have false friends delving into your private matters to advance themselves over you. To dream that you cannot find the keyhole, you will unconsciously injure a friend.

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