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What is the meaning in a dream of resuscitate

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What is the meaning of resuscitate In a dream, What does it means resuscitate In a dream?


To dream that you are being resuscitated, denotes that you will have heavy losses, but will eventually regain more than you lose, and happiness will attend you. To resuscitate another, you will form new friendships, which will give you prominence and pleasure.

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Samples of dreams of resuscitate

Surrogate mother, pregnant with twins. i give

Surrogate mother, pregnant with twins. i give birth to a fully clothed boy in a swimming pool then i give birth to a stillborn in a hospital room, midwifes lay the stillborn baby under me and then i start to slip away so they resuscitate me and i keep slipping into the darkness but my son who is my actual real life 15 month old son shouts mom and i come round.

I see my deceased father who is

I see my deceased father who is dying in front of me. i do nothing but know that he is dying. I leave the room and return to see father with his mouth wide open stiff and dead. i place on floor and resuscitate him. I make sure family knows it was me who resuscitated father

Other meaning of dreams of resuscitate


To dream that you are being resuscitated, denotes that you will have heavy losses, but will eventually regain more than you lose, and happiness will attend you. To resuscitate another, you will form new friendships, which will give you prominence and pleasure.

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