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Giving Father O'Malley his happy ending after

Giving Father O'Malley his happy ending after the massage like usual but in the dream it was impossible to move my hand fast enough and Father O'Malley got very annoyed and said I was useless as an altar boy.

Walking to my friends at around 9pm

Walking to my friends at around 9pm seeing this old aboriginal woman with a short pastel pink afro Dunkley stumbling around trying to avoid her getting inside the house and looking at text messages from my mum on an old boxy tv walking home seeing this old lady dead in a trolley with longneck vbs surrounding her me and my friend walk up the hill to see a family of 1 mother father a son and a daughter the classic fat tourists with wide brimmed hats long shorts a the son is taking photos of this lady while the dad is holding a long neck vb the vide is very dark i can hear eary music playing in the background we are walking home and this family is slowly waddling behind us following us i am holding my friend very tightly as we walk down this dark alleyway they family turn into a family of armish ppl and every time i look back at them they get closer till the father is right behind me and i wake up

I dreamed of this passage everyone was

I dreamed of this passage everyone was scared to walk through. However, I went through the passage and it was very dark and I had to hold an oracle. The oracle was like a head and covered in blood except its eyes.

Art gallery. Started with showbags. Raspberry bullets

Art gallery. Started with showbags. Raspberry bullets and lots of other free stuff and magazines. Left if at the counter till the end. Went swimming in the gallery, ther was a cart over the top and you had to jump off it into the water, did 2 backflips underwater, no goggles. Was having sex with someone in a house his room didn’t have doors or walls. Carlos walking up stairs into the room but didn’t see us. Was giving you a handjob and the sheets got soaked. After gallery tried to go home. Plants stuck behind tv in ikea shelves. Had so many messages, Hailey annoyed at me for texting when we had people over. Frazzled I excused my self Went into the living room, Keith on the couch with dan Goldberg playing a game like secret hitler. Then back at the gallery, Keith’s phone broke so you said you’d see me at 7pm. But your phone was in a repair shop and you needed me to get all these things to fix it and then I didn’t get to see you. Didn’t get the showbag either.

In my dream President Trump gave a

In my dream President Trump gave a speech to the nation about the pandemic. He was wearing a large crown and a t-shirt that read "King of Ventilators" and Ivanka sat at his feet in a negligee coquettishly stroking a large white tiger. Sitting on the floor behind Ivanka - disgraced zoo owner Joe Exotic sat dressed in bondage gimp gear - dutifully chopping up lines on a mirror. Cases of disinfectant and syringes were stacked along the wings of the stage. Trump however -possibly for the first time in memory - appeared unable to speak. His eyes were wide open and his pupils huge. His lower jaw ground repetitively from side to side as the camera slowly zoomed in on the President in his unusual moment of aphasia. Small chunks of white crystalline material periodically fell from his nose. It took time for me to notice the President's rapid blinking. Longer still for me to realize there was not just order to his blinks but meaning.....could it be.....??? YES!! THE PRESIDENT WAS BLINKING A MESSAGE IN MORSE CODE!! Over and over he laboriously blinked out the code to spell one word: "S......E......M.....E....N....A.....N......C......Y......" S-E-M-E-N-A-N-C-Y "Semenancy?" WTF?? You tell me....weirdest dream I ever had by far.....

In a room full of elderly women

In a room full of elderly women trying to transport ourselves to a certain location but one has dementia and cannot quite say the right words until I coach her and we get the when we do we are not in same building as I remember has grown larger with many floors, looking down from upper floor I see in the parking lot is a clever message( can't remember message) I recognize done by a former collegue. I have a baby with me and looking for a bottle of milk as I run across her working there.