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I had a dream that I was

I had a dream that I was at an amusement park at night, and this cyborg robot was chasing after me, and I burned in fire. In the dream, I woke up and was in my room. I was half awake. I kept looking out of the window, and the robot, now a large giant, kept approaching my house, and kept repeating doing so. I saw a child superhero running in slow motion as I drifted off, and I began drawing black candles on my ceiling, and I lit them, and the flames lit up. I descended into darkness, and I began hearing a dark voice, which said "Aren't you afraid of the shadows and the dark?" I then saw an encyclopedia page with a red background on this fake dictator, and his symbol was a hammer of might. And then, I realized, that I was the ruler.

I dreamt that I was in my

I dreamt that I was in my truck on the passenger side it started smoking we pulled over my uncle got out lifted the hood to check and all of a sudden transmission fluid started pouring out and then the engine burst into flames so I started yelling Get Out! Get Out! and my daughter,cousins,mom,uncle,and me all got out I looked at my cousin Chell and said I'm getting a new car and she said I told you....

In my dream, I lit black matches

In my dream, I lit black matches on a silver matchbook over and over, and watched the flames as the matches burned out one by one.

Dressed in anightie and dressing gown standing

Dressed in anightie and dressing gown standing in a mental institute and walking about climing on to aroof to escape using amachine tokill doctors whitch shoot out flames

I was in the front seat passenger

I was in the front seat passenger side of a parked car that was in flames but not burning me but my deceased mother was in the backseat talking to me and said" she loves me and i said i miss her and im sorry and she said honey you will be with me soon we hugged and it felt real

I was in the front seat of

I was in the front seat of a car that was in flames but not burning me but my deceased mother was in the backseat talking to me and said" she loves me and i said i miss her and im sorry and she said honey you will be with me soon

Hi. My name is Wayne. I had

Hi. My name is Wayne. I had a dream that I was outside, I wasn't doing anything special, when a caught an airplane flying overhead. The airplane ended up bursting wildly into flames. It was almost like fireworks with many swirling colors, kinda like a fireworks/rainbow type thingy. A little weird but for the death of me, I can't figure out what this means.