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Dreams inside the database entered to be analyzed and interpreted - search dreams containing symbols of your dream

Summer day. I am sitting on the

Summer day. I am sitting on the balcony with a view on to the sea. This place was situated on the top of a cliff, sea bellow. Many people are around, all strangers, like a tourist area. Then I saw a young woman near the barrier, and I instinctively knew what she was about to do. So, I focused on her, thinking "she is going to do it". This woman gathered momentum, I could see she was slightly afraid, but surely came to the barrier and jumped off to the sea. No one else had noticed, only me. I then followed this, and saw her hitting the water with her face and sink under in slow motion, I could see the surrender.

A man falls off the back of

A man falls off the back of a moving bus and rolls down the road and hits several people. These people lose their balance and causes a chain reaction and they start falling off a the top of a very tall Mayan Pyramid into their death. Most of them are tourists and fall to their death. A close up of one man with a backpack and orange shorts goes in slow motion. This man keeps falling and lands on a lower platform. He is still alive, as he tries to turn and reach for his cell phone and make one last call his arm separates from his body because of the injuries. The arm falls into the floor while the hand is till holding the cell phone. The man then rolls and falls into the ground in order to reach for his arm. He grabs the phone with his other hand and makes one last phone call to his family, letting them know he's gonna die.

I had a dream i was a

I had a dream i was a tourist in some country and went shopping with my baby daughter and i tried on this black sweater... and my baby daughter loved it and payed for it ... hi hi... she is only two years old... also this man told me that i dont need my purse it was a light brown leather purse... he told me i could wear grey or whatever color i would still be beautiful

I was travelling in a bus and

I was travelling in a bus and it was less than half full. At one time we were going down a very narrow lane, downhill, and a couple of tourists in the bus were sitting two seats in front of me. The woman was afraid and the man was holding her, comforting her. I was a bit amused at the woman s fear because I thought there was nothing to be afraid of. Then all of a sudden, the driver went straight into the sea. I did not see the sea at the bottom of the alley. Then I realised that we were going to drown as I saw the water coming down on us as we were flat on our backs. And my last thought was that our deaths would be mentioned in tomorrow s news. Then with the fright I woke up,